Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Remembering Pearl Harbor the Powell High School Way

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
On December 7th, seventy years ago, the attack on US Naval base in Pearl Harbor marked the US's entrance into WWII. Today, we commemorate the anniversary of that tragic day and honor the US military survivors who were forever scarred by the losses of that day.

As a part of that commemoration, the Powell High School Panther Marching Band was invited to participated in the Waikiki Holiday Parade to honor and represent the USS Tennessee, one of eight battleships docked at Pearl Harbor on that fateful day.

The Panther Marching Band conducted by MJ Robinson
On Monday, November 21st, on the grounds overlooking the Pearl Harbor, the Panther Marching Band played a series of war related songs in honor of the historical time period. Afterwards, the crew took a walk back in time to the 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor and honor those who died unexpectedly. As a part of our visit to Pearl Harbor, a PHS wreath was laid at the USS Arizona's wall with the 1,177 names of the dead.

The wreath honoring the names of the soldiers
Memory wall located inside the USS Arizona memorial
 Marked as the attack that changed the course of history, we will never forget those who unexpectedly died and are entombed beneath the waters of the memorial.  We will will continue to honor their names throughout history.

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